
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Has Battery Power Made A Quantum Advance

An interesting article in re/code has announced news out of Stanford University that may radically improve battery usage and recharging.  According to the article, "A research team at Stanford University says it has come up with a prototype aluminum battery that can recharge in as little as one minute, as compared to the hour or so it takes the fastest lithium-ion battery." In addition, the new battery is said to be safer, cheaper, and last longer on recharging.  while still a prototype, one can only wonder how soon before this product comes to market. 

1 comment:

  1. 15-20 years. None of these "we proved the concept" press releases are ever anywhere near being ready for production at scale. That's 10 years out to get the manufacturing processes figured out, then another 5 to raise the money, design the factories, build and tool them, etc. I refuse to get excited by these announcements anymore.
