Do we have a problem with our internet, the simple answer is yes. But regulating access to assure that all content gets equal access may not be the correct course. As many like to say, too much government interference, limits growth, and if treated like a utility, would hamper innovation. Our problem is not that some traffic on the internet superhighway gets clogged; rather, that the whole highway is a traffic jam.
As the Huffington Post pointed out last month, "Americans pay far more and get far less when it comes to the Internet than many other people around the world." Broadband connectivity in the United States is more expensive than other countries and our overall speeds are slower, too. With more and more devices trying to get online, the highway can come to a noticeable stop. In my home, watching a video on a tablet causes other computers in the house to stop loading web content. Too many users on a cable broadband line slows overall speeds.
How do we improve the broadband highway. Not through regulation, but by lowering the barrier to competition. Eliminate cable franchises and open spectrum. Let overbuilding encourage more competition. More competition drives better pricing models and gives consumers more choice. Too much regulation is not the answer. We've recognized the problems but need better solutions.