
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Apple Keeps Innovating

Does Apple ever slow down? It appears not. They seem to have an innate sense of the future and are leading the way with change. The results have been the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad. Well the need seems to exist for a size smaller than an iPad but bigger than an iPod. "Taiwan's Digitimes newspaper last week reported that Taiwanese companies were starting to assemble a 7-inch iPad for Apple." Smaller, lighter, easier to carry. Could be another piece in the dominance of Apple.

At the same time, talk mounts that Apple TV is being revamped and re-marketed. "Tech analysts expect Apple soon to revamp its under-performing Apple TV gadget, which plugs into a TV so you can watch movies and shows via iTunes, in order to take on the new Google TV service when it launches this fall." Great another box on my TV set and another remote to juggle along with my cable and TV remotes.

What I wish Apple would push farther is home networking. Letting Apple devices in the home talk to each other. If each box acts too independently, than information I put on one device has to be loaded again on other devices. Easy syncing of calendars, phone numbers, photo albums and music, from one device accessed to others. That sharing of content by family members to multiple devices, mobile or resident in the home would vastly improve communication and usage. That movie you downloaded to your iMac is shared with your TV set in the bedroom; that song you downloaded to your iPhone is synced back to your iMac itune library; your calendar is updated with kid doctor appointments for the iPad in the kitchen and your iPod at work. Connected and shared; Apple should push this home networking solution across all its products.