
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boston's Local NBC Affiliate WHDH Will Air Leno At 10 p.m.

NBC was quick to put its foot down and the Boston affiliate acquiesced. And just like that, Boston will get the Jay Leno show this Fall at 10 pm. While this must be a huge sigh of relief to NBC, it also quickly signals to its other affiliates not to follow Boston's lead. And while the threats worked, one must wonder what was agreed to. Was there incentive money involved? Additional local commercial time given? Or perhaps a short term truce to wait and see and give the show 30, 60, or perhaps 90 days to prove that it will deliver a high enough rating and be a profit performer.

And don't be surprised if every other NBC affiliate is reading over each line in their contract to see just what their options are. This fight may be over, but there may still be a bigger war brewing.