
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Picking Your Next Streaming OTT TV Box

With the release of Amazon's new OTT box, Amazon Fire TV, it joins a competitive group that includes Apple TV, Google's Chromecast, Roku 3, Smart TVs, and TiVo's Roamio.  So which one to choose or should we still wait for the next release.  Some are speculating that Apple is getting ready to announce and release its next Apple TV box.  But if you are in the market now, Mashable has a nice list of the differences among the major brands. 

For me, the differentiation that most matters is the content that can be streamed from the device.  If your world revolves around your iTunes library, than Apple TV offers that exclusively.  If it is about access to Netflix, then all the devices offer that app.  Amazon's new product tries to differentiate through other technical approaches including more memory, a unique search and recommendation engine, and a remote with voice search. 

For all these devices, the fact is that consumers want to not only stream to their mobile devices but to their big screen TVs too.  Competition and innovation will continue to follow these streaming devices but at the end of the day, the one with the best, exclusive, and most valuable content will ultimately win. 

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