
Monday, August 15, 2011

Google Buying Hardware Company

No, it is not Home Depot, or Ace, Google has set its sights on Motorola Mobility. Its one thing to make the Android software and search engine, it's another to also make the products that the software goes inside. With the acquisition of Motorola, Google gains a firmer entry into cable boxes, the Xoom tablet, and smartphones. Now they are more like Apple then ever before. Should Apple buy a search engine like Bing or Yahoo to stay on par with Google?

A good move for Google or likely to cause them to lose focus in managing internal cultures and organizational changes? Can Google turn these Motorola devices into more must have devices. At the same time will other companies that support the Google Android software start to look at Google as more of a competitor than partner? And does Apple need to react or stay their own course, regardless of a Google-Motorola merger? Interesting times.

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