
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Will Apple's Tablet Save Newspapers and Magazines and Change Behavior?

Yesterday, Apple announced great earnings of iPhones and computers. Tomorrow, Apple will introduce its Tablet to the world. Lots of speculation on what it can and can't do and lots of comparisons to other devices like its own iPhone, Kindle, and others. And lastly, through who's network, AT&T or Verizon, will it connect to the web. Tomorrow's announcement should be a doozy.

"Although Apple has proved its deftness at creating trendy devices and a digital store in which publishers could sell their wares, Gartner Inc. analyst Allen Weiner said there will be plenty of trial and error before newspaper, magazine and book publishers figure out the 'fine art' of creating digital editions that take advantage of the device's graphics and video." It is certainly hard to replace the simplicity and low price of printed material. It is easy to carry, easy to read, and even easy to throw away. Today, we stuff our pockets, pocketbooks, and even belt straps with devices to help us stay connected. A Tablet is certainly much bigger to carry.

So I wonder, who will create the idea bag for both men and women that will make this new device easily portable? Especially for men, this "Man Bag" needs to be the hot new accessory that will change how many carry other personal items as well. Including the Tablet, a "Man Bag" could carry a guy's wallet, keys, and gum. Men will finally have clean pocket lines and no more wallet bulges. Watch carefully. A device that changes human behavior is an absolute game changer!

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