
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Amazon’s Kindle 2 Will Debut Feb. 9

The next generation of Kindle is coming out in a few weeks and hopefully Amazon has stocked up. "The device has been out of stock since November, after Oprah Winfrey touted the device on her show. The announcement seems to confirm our suspicions that the original Kindle has been obsolete since that time and that everyone who purchased the device over the holidays from — or put their name on a waiting list — will receive the newer version." There continues to be chatter about what the new features will be, most likely better graphics and faster refresh. According to reports, "the new device corrects some of the design flaws of the first model, adding round buttons instead of those strange angular ones, and smaller side buttons to avoid accidental page turns."

Sony will ultimately respond with their next version of its Reader. So where is Apple and why have they not responded with a product in this space? The Iphone can't do everything; it's screen size is not large enough to replace the book/newspaper/magazine experience. A larger device is required. Still Apple has the advantage over Sony of the infrastructure through itunes to download and save content. It could compete with Amazon's site on day one. Apple could be poised to take and lead this next niche. But until they do, Kindle will surely prosper.

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