
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The New Workplace Rules: No Video Watching

Is online video hurting worker productivity? Would these same workers be doing something else to avoid work, i.e. play games, if video streaming was turned off in the workplace? Would the appeal of online video decline if workers could no longer watch at the office?

Obviously, the employed universe is not the only group watching online. But, it would be interesting to know what percentage of the user base they make up.

Online video tends to get more usage during business hours. Will prevention during the working hour cause viewing patterns to shift or will that individual stop using online video as feverishly. For me, after a long day in front of the pc at the office, I am reluctant to go back on the pc at night to watch videos. At that point in the evening, I want to sit back and watch the big screen. Online video has become the perfect escape for the employee who doesn't already have a tv in their office, the perfect way to catch up on missed shows or highlights of clips that are getting buzz. It is the appeal of Hulu, Joost, and You Tube.

Would viewing habits shift to after hours if the workplace prevented online viewership or would usage simply drop. Companies will begin to pay closer attention to this usage and I believe usage will drop.

What do you think?

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